Online searches are increasing every year, with many consumers using their smartphone to connect with local and national companies. If you aren’t implementing an online marketing campaign for your company, then you are missing out on website traffic and product sales each day.

Search engine optimization can take a lot of work, especially if you are in a competitive industry. Here are five quick tips that you can implement to boost your rankings and be sure that your website is showing up in the search results:

1. Use Keyword Optimization

What are your customers searching for when they look online? Identify these keywords and make sure to include the keyword phrases in your website content. Keyword optimization needs to be naturally integrated into all aspects of your website page: title, description, tags, headers, images, categories, and more. Target low competition keywords instead of reaching for the competitive keywords that are hard to rank.

2. Publish Fresh Content

If your website hasn’t been updated in a while, then it could hurt your rankings in the search engines. Google wants to share fresh, new content when people are searching. Keep your website updated, and it will increase the likelihood that your pages will show up in related searches. Every piece of content should be original, don’t republish content that has already been posted on other pages or websites.

3. Help the Reader

The content on your website should be designed to provide useful, interesting information for the readers. If it is boring or not relevant, then the person will quickly leave your site. This bounce rate affects the way your site shows up in the search results. Publish interesting content so that you can be sure that you are attracting the attention of potential buyers.

4. Optimize the Images

Social media has created an online atmosphere where people love to see images with the content they are reading. Make sure to include at least one high-quality image with each blog post. The image file name should be optimized to match your target keyword. Also, be sure to adjust the file size so that the big images don’t slow down the page load time for your site.

5. Stay Consistent with Your Publishing

An ongoing publishing schedule is the best way to create a wide net online. Each new blog post provides an opportunity to connect with potential customers. Put together a publishing schedule and stay consistent to share new content each week with your readers.

Do you need help with your blog content? Contact me anytime. I am an experienced freelance blogger, and I am here to help!