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The online marketing trends are constantly changing, which can make it difficult to determine whether new topics of discussion will legitimately affect your ability to rank your website in the search engines. One recent topic of discussion is Google Author Rank and Google Authorship, and whether or not author attribution can make a difference in your SEO efforts.

Of course, there are many opinions on the topic, but sorting through the online information seems to lead to one conclusion: yes, Google Authorship may help you rank better in the search engines. Authorship has been encouraged by Google, which means that you should integrate it into your online marketing strategy.

Why Google Authorship Matters

Changes in the Google algorithms in recent years have focused on providing more relevant and authority content. So, if you are serious about your SEO campaign, then it’s important to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. In fact, establishing authority is a good way to make your SEO strategy more effective, because it establishes your brand online which is beneficial for a solid content publishing approach.

One of the benefits to Google Authorship is the fact that your author photo will be displayed in Google when your website is displayed in the search results. The photo may increase the possibility of a click-thru because the picture catches the eye of the person who is doing the search. Experts have shown that search results with images tend to have higher click rates, which means that your Authorship may help to improve your search engine results and also drive more traffic because of the higher click rate.

Other Benefits of Google Authorship

Another reason Authorship is an important step in your SEO strategy is that your website can outrank other sites that have plagiarized your content. Google wants to show the most relevant content, and it will be more likely to rank your article higher than a plagiarized page because the link has been made on your Google+ account showing that you were the original author.

Also, Authorship is beneficial because it can speed up the indexing time for your website, which means that timely news or updates are available in the search engines at a faster rate. In the case of breaking news stories, prompt indexing can help your article to show up faster than the competitors.

To setup Google Authorship for your website, it is necessary to link your Google+ profile with the website, and there are many free tutorials online that show you how to set it up in five minutes. Don’t make the mistake of dismissing the benefits that Google Authorship can have on your search engine rankings. There are many benefits to using a Google+ profile for content Authorship, which means that you should start using this strategy as soon as possible.