Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve found that email communication is the most effective platform when working with my clients. If you are interested in working with me, then I will gladly share my contact information. But, I prefer to schedule phone calls and Skype appointments in advance, because it’s easier for me to communicate via email.

I am based in Salt Lake City, Utah… but I love to travel! One of the benefits of working online is that I can offer these freelance writing services from anywhere in the world.

I have been working in the online marketing industry for over 10+ years. My focus is on search engine optimized content, and I consider myself to be an expert in the industry. I work hard to stay current with the changing trends online, to provide my clients with top-notch service.

These blogging packages can be adjusted to match your preferences. Some clients prefer a new blog post once a week, while others choose up to 2 or 3 posts per week. We will discuss your goals during the initial conversation to put together a publishing schedule based on your needs.

In addition to research, writing, and editing, I also include a full-package service for my clients: 1 high quality stock photo, posting the content and image to your website, adding the appropriate Title/Tags/Meta description on the page for SEO purposes. This package can be adjusted to match the needs of your website.

I am a freelance blogger, so I focus only on blog content. I don’t offer other copywriting services, such as social medial posts, sales pages, ad copy, etc.