Project Description

Hearing loss typically starts gradually, then increases in severity over time. In the earliest stages of hearing loss, the symptoms might be so subtle that you don’t notice any impact on your daily life. But it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the early symptoms of hearing loss. Like other medical conditions, the sooner you address these hearing issues, the better.

Common Signs of Hearing Loss

Here are some of the most common signs you might need to talk to an audiologist about hearing aids:

  1. Phone Conversations are Difficult: Do you find it hard to communicate with others over the phone? If you have maxed out the volume setting and you are still struggling to understand the other person, then it could be an indication that you need to have your ears checked.
  2. Conversations in Group Settings: Hearing loss makes it challenging to process multiple competing sounds. For example, if you are in a loud social environment and can’t understand the immediate conversation, then it could be an indication of a hearing problem.
  3. Asking Others to Repeat Themselves: How often do you say “What?” in response to someone’s comment? If you feel like your coworkers are mumbling all day, then it doesn’t necessarily mean that your hearing is failing. But it might be time for a hearing test.
  4. TV and Radio are Too Loud: How often do your family and friends complain that you turned up the TV or radio too loud? When the music is drowning out the dialogue, then you feel the urge to turn up the volume to understand the TV characters. If you are experiencing hearing loss, then the noise levels might be uncomfortable for others in the room.

How to Determine if You Need Hearing Aids

If you can relate to any of the signs listed above, then it might be time to schedule an appointment with an experienced doctor. A hearing test can be used to determine your level of hearing loss. Then, you can discuss potential treatment options based on your unique needs.

Our team offers the personalized testing and treatment options you need. Call today to schedule a consultation and hearing test.