Project Description

Businesses often depend on a team of hourly workers to take care of daily tasks and customer interactions. These employees are the face of the company; which is why it is essential to ensure that a thorough screening process is followed for every hire.

Even though you have a stack of resumes for an open position, it can be difficult to maintain the workforce that is required. Your business needs more than just warm bodies in the chairs… this recruiting and hiring process needs to be streamlined to bring in employees who are qualified and capable of performing the expected job duties.

Change Hiring Practices to Reduce Turnover

The truth is that hiring is the foundation for many other aspects of managing a team of employees. Poor recruiting practices will have a direct impact on employee turnover. This cycle can be difficult to overcome without addressing the root of the problem: effectively screening candidates to increase the likelihood of job success and satisfaction.

A recent study published by Cornell reported that businesses pay an average of $5,864 when an hourly employee is lost. This turnover cost is due to a loss of productivity as well as the cost of recruiting and hiring replacement staff. Additional expenses can add up if other employees need to work overtime hours to take extra shifts. If you want to solve turnover problems, then you need to identify the weak points in your hiring practices.

Solutions to Improve Hiring

Losing an employee is more than an inconvenience… it hurts profit margins and has an impact on company culture. Recognizing this issue is the first step; now it’s time to implement actionable changes that will correct the problem. Follow these tips when you are streamlining your hiring process:

  1. Utilize Recruiting Software: The internet is an integral part of the job search process. Not only do candidates look online for job openings, but businesses can leverage technology to filter resumes and screen candidates. Gone are the days that you have to sift through a stack of resumes manually. Recruiting and onboarding systems make it easy to dial in your ideal candidate profile and shortlist the applicants that you’d like to interview.
  2. Leverage Pre-Employment Testing: Your candidate pools will be stronger when your applicants are screened thoroughly using pre-employment testing. Not only can you evaluate the person’s skills and knowledge, but testing can also be used to determine how their personality will fit with company culture.
  3. Optimize Job Descriptions: Don’t overlook the importance of providing full transparency regarding job expectations and duties. The job description can naturally filter candidates who aren’t a good match. Also, share unique features and details that make your company shine in the industry. Make sure the job title hooks people and pulls them in for more information when they see the job in a list of search results.
  4. Choose the Right Advertising: Knowing your target candidate profile is essential to ensuring that your job description is posted in the right place. Keep in mind that you can find great managerial employees on LinkedIn, but hourly workers don’t often spend much time on this site. Don’t miss out on opportunities to share the job opening on other social media platforms and online job boards like Glassdoor, Monster, Facebook, and Craigslist.

As you implement these tips and improve your hiring practices, you can boost the quality of your hourly workforce. These strategies can have a domino effect to expand many aspects of your business, helping to optimize productivity and employee satisfaction.